Galapagos Islands

Loberia beach San Cristobal

A truly unique place on this planet is the Galapagos Islands. As part of Ecuador, these islands are known for Darwin’s evolution theory as much of the wildlife on these islands can often only be found in the archipelago, and sometimes even at one single island.

Anyone who visits the Galapagos Islands and loves animals is in for a treat. From seals hanging around on the beach to blue footed boobies, giant tortoises and cool looking iguanas, there’s an abundance of animals. And that’s just on land, as the unique variety underwater is equally impressive. Penguins, hammerhead sharks, nurse sharks and many more species all call the waters of Galapagos their home. And the nice thing is, they are extremely well protected and often thrive.

The islands itself all vary in terms of landscapes, from the lush mountainous highlands of Santa Cruz to the barren landscape of San Cristobal and volcanic Isabela. Combine this with a friendly population who truly takes pride in protecting their islands, and you can see why so many people are drawn to it.

So, if you’re planning a trip to Ecuador, make sure to include the Galapagos Islands to your itinerary and surround yourself with its unique wildlife!

Garrapatero beach, Santa Cruz, Galapagos

Iguana on beach in GalapagosCrab on beach in Santa Cruz, GalapagosClose-up of iguana in GalapagosIguana on the beach in GalapagosRed crab on Garrapatero beach, GalapagosIguana on beach, Galapagos islandsIguana swimming near Santa Cruz, GalapagosIguana on Garrapatero beach in Santa Cruz, GalapagosGiant tortoise in the higghlands of Santa Cruz, GalapagosClose-up of a giant tortoise in GalapagosGiant tortoise swimming in a pond in GalapagosIguana on a branch in GalapagosView over Bartholome island in GalapagosBatholome island landscape, GalapagosLand iguana at Seymour island, GalapagosRed scrubs at Seymour island, GalapagosFrigate bird at Seymour island, GalapagosFrigate bird nesting at GalapagosCoastal view over Seymour island, GalapagosFrigatebird in flight, GalapagosFrigatebird mating season GalapagosFrigatebirds mating in GalapagosSea lion on the beach at Seymour island, GalapagosSeal pup GalapagosSeal pup on the beach in GalapagosCactus and dry red landscape of Seymour island, GalapagosIguana on a rock in GalapagosSea lion sleeping in a boat at GalapagosHeron and iguana in GalapagosSea lion pup GalapagosLava tunnels of Las Tintoreras, Isabela island, GalapagosLava pools of Las Tintoreras, Isabela, GalapagosPink flamingo at Isabela island, GalapagosFlamingo at Laguna de los Flamingos, Isabela, GalapagosView from Sierra Negra at Isabela island, GalapagosSierra Negra volcano crater, Isabela island, Galapagos Giant tortoises at San Cristobal GalapagosGiant tortoise in the wild, GalapagosNazca boobies near Isabela island, GalapagosBlue footed boobys, GalapagosBlue footed boobies, GalapagosBlue footed boobie, GalapagosBlue footed boobies at Isabela island, GalapagosSea lion chilling at las tintoreras, isabela, GalapagosGalapagos penguinGalapagos nature photographyGalapagos brown pelicanClose-up of a brown Galapagos pelicanSea lions on the beach in San Cristobal, GalapagosSea lions sleeping on Playa Baquerizo beach in San Cristobal, GalapagosSea lions at Playa Baquerizo, San Cristobal, GalapagosSea lions in the water near Playa Baquerizo, San Cristobal, GalapagosBlue footed booby at San Cristobal island, GalapagosGalapagos unique wildlife, blue footed boobieBlue footed booby mating callSea lions at the beach of La Loberia, San Cristobal, GalapagosSea lion pup on the La Loberia beach, GalapagosSunset over la loberia beach, San Cristobal, GalapagosTravel photography GalapagosTravel photographer Galapagos islands

Travel photography Galapagos islands | Ecuador | Unique wildlife of Galapagos